Sunday, July 19, 2015

CRM 2013/15 On-Prem - Last access date & time for CRM users

For getting a list of all last login date and time for all CRM users on Dynamics CRM (On-Premises), run below SQL script using SQL Server Management Studio :

FROM SystemUser SU
INNER JOIN [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[SystemUserOrganizations] SUO ON SUO.CrmUserId = SU.SystemUserId
INNER JOIN [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[SystemUserAuthentication] SUA ON SUA.UserId = SUO.UserId

Friday, July 17, 2015

Applying same Business Rule to several forms, not all forms

We can configure Business Rules to be used on all forms for an entity, or only on one form. If you want to apply a Business Rule to several forms, and not all forms, you must create a copy of the rule for each form,you can do this by opening the Business Rule and clicking Deactivate then Save As and entering a new name for the copy of the Business Rule and select the scope and active it.

And if you select all forms as the scope of a Business Rule, the rule will be applied to all forms (Main or Quick Create forms), and you can not select the scope for a rule to apply to the Quick Create form only!

Import Data Wizard for CRM 2015 Online Update 1 now supporting XLSX file format!

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Online Update 1 encapsulates many new great features and improvements. One of such features is improved Import Data Wizard to support XLSX file format.

Monday, July 13, 2015

List of all custom fields names & types for any Custom Entity - Dynamics CRM On-Premises

For getting a list of all custom fields names and types for any Dynamics CRM (On-Premises) custom entity, run below SQL script using SQL Server Management Studio :

USE [CRMDatabaseName]

FROM syscolumns c
INNER JOIN sys.types t ON t.system_type_id = c.xtype
WHERE id = object_id('CustomEntityTableName')
 AND c.NAME LIKE 'new_%'

Note : Replace new with your solution prefix  :)
          Remove (and LIKE 'new_%') for getting all of custom and system fields.

Unexpected Error When Replying or Forwarding an Email

Recently came across an interesting issue from one of my clients, they were working fine since around 2 years ago with no issues, using Dyn...